Nuria Ortiz
Prior to Partnering with 99thstate, Nuria started investigation efforts at New Mexico State University in collaboration with the New Mexico Produced Water Research Consortium (NMPWRC) to assess the risk and toxicology of applying treated oil and gas produced water to the environment as a potential alternative to fresh water resources. Her research evolved into the design and build of holistic treatment facilities to better manage, treat, and when possible, find beneficial reuse of produced water treatment byproducts.
Nuria also spent four years with the global engineering firm, Stantec, most recently as a Process Engineering Designer, where she designed water and wastewater treatment plants for under-served communities across New Mexico as well as produced water treatment and byproduct facilities.
Aside from her work in the water treatment industry, Nuria has been instrumental in efforts to recruit under-represented young people into the STEM field in collaboration with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University and the Museum of Paleontology at UC Berkeley by introducing undergraduate students to oceanic and meteorological science research opportunities.
Nuria is a first generation immigrant from Mexico, naturally proficient in English and Spanish and is passionate about using her diverse skillset to drive environmental preservation efforts and equal access to natural resources for All.
Nuria earned a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering with a concentration in Environmental Engineering from the University of New Mexico.